My Foray into IF (Intermittent Fasting)

So to begin, what is Intermittent Fasting? Wikipedia defines it as an umbrella term for various eating diet plans that cycle between a period of fasting and non-fasting over a defined period. Intermittent fasting is under preliminary research to assess if it can produce weight loss comparable to long-term calorie restriction. There are a few popular methods. For the purposes of this post and my personal experiences, I’m going to focus on daily fasting. The most common for starters is 16/8. Meaning fasting for 16 hours in between meals and then eating within an 8 hour window. I’m planning to go slightly more aggressive and work on a 20/4 regimen. The goal is to consume nothing but tea, black coffee or water in the 20 hour fast periods.

Some people would look at that like you’re starving yourself. I feel that there’s a fine line between IF and starving yourself. The difference being how much you consume when you’re in a eating period. The goal is not to consume 2000 calories in one meal, but to eat a healthy hearty meal in that period.

Many studies have been and are actively being done that show the various benefits that IF can have on your body. I’ll go into that later. For now, either trust me (don’t do that) or do your own research.

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